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The following is a list of some or the organizations with whom we have partnered or assisted on social development projects. CONTACT US for a list of organizations we’ve worked with on economic development.



Bleak House Centre, Winnipeg, MB.


Crossing Communities Art Project, Winnipeg, MB.


Debajehmujig Theatre Group, Wikwemikong, ON 


Four Arrows Regional Health Authority, Winnipeg, MB.


Headlines Theatre, Vancouver, BC.


Hearsay Arts, Toronto ON.


Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation, Big Trout Lake, ON.


Mennonite Central Committee, Victims’ Voice, Winnipeg, MB.


Migisi Sahgaigan Health Centre, Eagle Lake First Nation, ON.


Missabay School, Mishkeegogamang First Nation, ON.


Mount Carmel Clinic, Winnipeg, MB.


Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Thunder Bay, ON.


Northern Nishnawbe Education Council, Sioux Lookout, ON.


Obishikokaang Elementary School, Lac Seul First Nation, ON.


Oshkee Meekena Residential Treatment Centre, Cat Lake First Nation, ON.


Pikangikum First Nation, Pikangikum, ON.


Project Peacemakers, Winnipeg, MB.


Sachigo Lake Health Authority, Sachigo Lake First Nation, ON.


Dr. Jessie Saulteaux Resource Centre,  Beausejour, MB.


Sault College, Sault Ste. Marie, ON.


The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program, Toronto, ON.


Thomas Fiddler Memorial School, Sandy Lake First Nation, ON.


Upstream, Saskatoon, SK. 




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