Our communities are plagued by many social problems – addictions, violence and abuse, youth suicide, youth gangs, isolation of elders, and intergenerational distance. Under these hard circumstances it is easy to feel overwhelmed, and to feel that community recovery is more a dream than a real possibility. Often workers and program managers assume that each of the many problems in their communities could be solved one by one if only special programs or skilled professionals could be found. In reality, many of the problems are connected, and developing a unified recovery strategy or map that engages the whole community can do much to help create the conditions for change. Without such a map, it is easy to get lost and move in circles rather than in a forward direction.
In this workshop participants examine the underlying principles of a community recovery model that supports a more unified community-based approach to addressing social problems. Participants are invited to identify the barriers that prevent individuals and organizations from working together to bring about change, and to explore ways to overcome these barriers.
Workshop participants are introduced to community development theory. However the emphasis is on using storytelling, art-based exercises and group reflection to explore practical approaches to mobilizing communities for positive change.
"Create a Community in Recovery" exercise.
Thank you for the many teachings and for the information. I know some of our community members were deeply touched and will never forget the experience.
-Marlene Landon, Community Wellness Worker (Eagle Lake First Nation, ON.)
The ideology of the workshop is not mainstream and offers a voice that I believe desperately needs to be heard.
- Pam Violoux, Spiritual Care Provider (Winnipeg, MB.)