Over the last two decades, researchers and service providers in the field of addictions have come to realize that women experience their addictions and respond to treatment differently than men. This realization has led to the development of addiction services that respond to the specific needs of women.
Women’s experience of addiction often involves intense feelings of shame and guilt about how their use of substances has affected their children. These feelings can prevent women from seeking support during pregnancy and when they are struggling with parenting challenges. These feeling are also a common cause of relapse in women who have successfully completed an addiction treatment program.
In this workshop, participants explore ways of working with substance-involved mothers that help them set aside some of their shame and guilt and reclaim their mothering identities. These approaches can be used with mothers whose children live with them as well as mothers whose children are in care; with pregnant women who will parent their unborn infant and pregnant women who children may be apprehended at birth.
Some of the topics addressed in this workshop include:
Myths about women with addictions
Alternative healing practices (e.g. mind-body and art-based practice)
“Reclaiming environments” for substance-involved mothers and their children
Culture - based support: What can this look like?
This workshop introduces participants to relevant psychological theories and principles. The emphasis is on learning through storytelling, women-centred rituals, and group reflection.
Care for your child AND care for yourself.
The facilitator genuinely cares about the human family. Be assured that she is making a difference, one workshop at a time.
- Janet Carriere, Family Worker (Prince Albert, SK.)
The open courage of the participants to share their experiences gave a greater depth to the workshop material, and the diversity of the group members’ cultures, personalities and work backgrounds added to that depth.
- Bev Levine, Day Care Director (Winnipeg, MB.)